Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Final destruction at Cumorah?

In his journal on December 17, 1866, Wilford Woodruff recorded that

"President Heber C. Kimball while at the Endowment House prophesied that when the final last struggle came to this nation it would be at the Hill Cumorah where both of the former nations were destroyed."

(click to enlarge)

N. B. Lundwall quoted J. Golden Kimball as saying "Heber C. Kimball said it was revealed to him that the last great destruction of the wicked would be on the lakes near the Hill Cumorah." See Lundwall, Inspired Prophetic Warnings to all inhabitants of the Earth, 1940, p. 52.

(click to enlarge)

President Kimball reported that after he joined the Church in New York in 1832, he visited the Hill Cumorah and saw the embankments there. 

How many think he was referring to an unknown "hill" in Mexico?

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